Archäologische Informationen compact

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Archäologische Informationen compact: Editors and Editorial Staff, Publication Fees (APC), Open Access & Open Data, Peer Review, Statistics, Ethical Guidelines

"Archäologische Informationen" (Arch. Inf.), founded in 1972, is the research journal of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e. V. (DGUF). It publishes articles in English and German. Since volume 35, 2012 the journal is published both online (; ISSN 2197-7429) and in a printed version (1,000 copies; ISSN 0341-2873). Members of DGUF receive the printed version free of charge; non-members can also buy or subscribe to the print version. Many public and university libraries subscribe to the journal.
Editors and Editorial Staff
Editors of the journal on behalf of DGUF are: PD Dr. Frank Siegmund (Editor-in-Chief), Diane Scherzler and Dr. Werner Schön. Frank Siegmund is lecturer at Münster University, Diane Scherzler works as cultural manager and teaches science communication; Werner Schön is a free-lance archaeologist and owner of the publishing house "Welt und Erde". Learn more about the editors and editorial staff (in German) [more].
Contact: Archäologische Informationen, An der Lay 4, 54578 Kerpen-Loogh, Germany; Phone: +49 (0) 6593 / 989 642; Fax: +49 (0) 6593 / 989 643; Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
The editors and editorial staff conform to the "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers" of the "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)". [more]
Publication fees
Publications in "Archäologische Informationen" are free of charge, there are no article processing charges (APC).
Editorial Guidelines
The detailed editorial guidelines inform about the submitting of manuscripts, procedures and rules, including citation and technical standards. [PDF]
Open Access, Open Data, Copyright and CC Licensing
Starting with volume 35, 2012 the journal has been published in open access as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (2002) and in the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities" from 22 October 2003. The DGUF has signed both declarations (as well as OA2020). Since volume 40, 2017, the journal is licensed explicitly CC BY. By submitting the paper for publication, the authors agree to the publication in open access. Any older volumes which so far had only been available in print were retro-digitized. Articles from retro-digitized volumes are only published online in open access if the authors‘ explicit declarations of agreement is at hand.
The online-edition "Archäologische Informationen" can record additional electronic media (i.e. images) and open data. The editors in collaboration with Heidelberg University Library have taken precautionary measures to ensure the long-term archival storage of the electronic edition of the journal and of the open data. During the publication process the authors are given advice, if necessary, to convert their data to formats which are technically more convenient for storage.
Bibliographic Registration in Public Databases
All papers published in open access receive a DOI once they are published (not during early view) and are registered in the Heidelberg University’s library catalogue ("HEIDI"; [more]). Via the international data exchange, these registrations also appear in superordinate library catalogues such as the Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK).
Quality Control and Peer Review
All papers submitted for publication in the "Archäologische Informationen" are subject to quality control; hence they will generally be reviewed by two peers. The following categories are excepted from peer review: "DGUF-News / Editorial" as well as advertising, which is marked as such (and is only included in the printed edition).
Reviewers are appointed by the editors, and the title of the paper, the author(s), the summary and the length of the article are disclosed to them. After they agree to review, the reviewers receive the full article as well as our "notes to the reviewer"; they are requested to abide by the  "COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers" [more]. The reviewers usually compile their review within three weeks; in justified cases the editors can grant exceptions.
The reviewers hand in their reviews in a distinct way, partitioned into (a) notes to the editor / the editorial staff and (b) notes to the authors. Quintessential excerpts of the reviewers’ direct note to the authors are submitted anonymously to the authors; the other review results will be summarized by the editors, and submitted to the author, if necessary with added comments. The anonymity can be revoked following the reviewer’s explicit request. Generally, the editors suggest changes or inform the author(s) about requirements for revision.
Upon entry of the review, the editors decide whether an article will be rejected or accepted or whether it might be accepted after obligatory revision, and informs the corresponding author.
In an annual updated statistics we keep records of the number of published articles and recensions, the declination ratio and the timespan between the submission of papers and its acceptance as well as the duration until their online publication in "early view". The data is given in rounded full weeks as follows: arithmetic mean value / median, with the latter a bit more stable to extreme highs and lows. With volume 39 in the year 2016 we started a new publishing chapter with "online only" papers. These articles and recensions are equally treated in the quality management process, are being published in "early view", but not in the printed version of the journal. The given figures do include the "online only" articles as well. [PDF]
Ethical Guidelines
The journal, its editors and the reviewers agree to the ethical guidelines as formulated by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics (2014) [more].
Plagiarism, Fraud and Forging
The editors/editorial staff check all submitted papers for plagiarism, fraud and forging. Manuscripts which in the opinion of the editors or the reviewers contain plagiarism, will be excluded from further procedure. Authors and co-authors submitting such manuscripts will henceforth be excluded from publishing in "Archäologische Informationen" and "Archäologische Berichte".

Status: October 2018
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