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Detailed programme with English abstracts (PDF)
Main page "Archaeology and Power. Positionings for the future of researching the past"
Structure and regulations for the debates (PDF)
"Archäologie & Macht. Positionsbestimmungen für die Zukunft der Vergangenheitsforschung". More on the conference in German
Main page "Archaeology and Power. Positionings for the future of researching the past"
Structure and regulations for the debates (PDF)
"Archäologie & Macht. Positionsbestimmungen für die Zukunft der Vergangenheitsforschung". More on the conference in German
More on DGUF.de
Programme of the DGUF conference "Archaeology and Power. Positionings for the future of researching the past"
Berlin, 5th to 8th May 2016
The detailed programme booklet on the right side additionally contains all abstracts and short CVs.
Thursday, 5th May
15.00: Meeting of DGUF members (until 18.00)
17.00: Conference office opens
18.30: Conference opening
History and stories of power - Past experiences
18.45: Keynote: E. Gringmuth-Dallmer, Die Überführung der DDR-Archäologie in das bundesdeutsche Wissenschaftssystem - Erfolgsstory oder Desaster? (The transfer of GDR archaeology into the Federal German science system – success story or disaster?)
19.25: Keynote: W. E. Stöckli, Manching und das Germanenproblem: Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Rückblick (Manching and the "Germanenproblem": A review of the history of research)
20.00: Optional: Joint dinner, Restaurant Lindenbräu in the Sony Center at Potsdamer Platz
Friday, 6th May
8.15: Conference office opens
9.00: D. Scherzler & F. Siegmund, Introduction into the conference and its course
Creating archaeology near to the powers
9.20: D. Scherzler, Psychologie der Macht (Psychology of power)
9.40: S. Winghart, Heilsbringer oder Sündenbock? Archäologische Denkmalpflege in der Wahrnehmung der Landespolitik (Saviour or scapegoat? Archaeological Heritage Management from the perspective of regional politics)
10.00: T. Otten, Archäologie und Bodendenkmalpflege zwischen Alltagspraxis, Wissenschaft und Politik (Archaeology and ground monument conservation between daily practice, science and politics)
10.20: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
10.50: Coffee break
Law and power in practical archaeology
11.20: K. Möller & R. Karl, Die Konvention von Faro und deutschsprachige Denkmalschutzgesetze (The Faro convention and Heritage Protection Laws in the German-speaking area)
11.40: T. Kemper, Die Entwicklung des (Rechts-)Verhältnisses von Denkmalschutzbehörden und Öffentlichkeit (The development of the (legal) relationship between Monument Protection Authorities and the general public)
12.00: J. Almansa Sánchez, Power, Politics, Laws and the Management of Archaeological Heritage. An experience from Madrid
12.20: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
12.50: Lunch break
Citizen Science and civil participation
14.15: T. Reitmaier, Macher, Mächte, Machtverhältnisse in der Schweizer Archäologie (Doers, powers and balances of power in Swiss archaeology)
14.35: H. Roberts, Community archaeology: defining the discipline through ownership and control
14.55: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
15.25: Coffee break
Museums: Gatekeeper, debate setter, playthings?
15.55: D. Mölders, Archäologische Museen zwischen Diskursmacht und Partizipation (Archaeological museums between power of discourse and participation)
16.15: J.-E. Fries, Bilder von Archäologen, Bilder der Vergangenheit (Archaeologist’s pictures, images of the past)
16.35: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
17.00: G. Wait, The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists: Building Professionalism, Power, and Influence in Archaeology and Heritage Management
18.00: End
19.30: Optional: Joint dinner, Restaurant "Zur Gerichtslaube" in the Nikolaiviertel (Nicholas' Quarter)
Saturday, 7th May
8.30: Conference office opens
Debates on power between discipline and civil society
9.00: R. Karl, Ich bin Hobbychirurg und Hobbypolizist! Macht, archäologischer Denkmalschutz und die Bürgerrechte (I am an amateur surgeon and amateur policeman! Power, the protection of archaeological monuments and civil rights)
9.20: C. Dworsky & C. Löw, Mein Claim, dein Claim - Ein UNESCO-Welterbe, das Kuratorium Pfahlbauten und die Menschen am Attersee (Ö) (My claim, your claim. A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Board of Trustees for Pile dwellings and the people on the Attersee, Austria)
9.40: L.-K. Martin, NGOs - ideale Akteure der Zivilgesellschaft? Eine Diskussion am Beispiel von Survival International (NGOs-ideal actors of a civil society? A discussion on the example of Survival International)
10.00: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
10.30: Coffee break
Case studies: citizens make archaeology
11.00: C. Schmoldt, Stellenwert durch Masse – Ehrenamtliche als Bindeglied zur Öffentlichkeit (Status as a result of mass – volunteers as a link to the public)
11.20: J. Weise, Informationsgewinn durch Machtverlust?! Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Amtsarchäologie und Sondengängern in Schleswig-Holstein (A gain of information by the loss of power? The cooperation between official archaeology and detector users in Schleswig-Holstein)
11.40: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
12.15: Lunch break
Discourses on power in talking and writing about archaeology
14.00: M. Cyron, Wikipedia Macht Archäologie (Wikipedia Power Archaeology)
14.20: C. Löw, Stolperfalle Codes - Wie Citizen Scientists Partner auf Augenhöhe bei Vorträgen und Diskussionen werden können (Tripping Hazard Codes – How Citizen Scientists can be partners at eye level at lectures and discussions)
14.40: C. Holtorf, The Power of the Market: Graduate Education in the Service of Archaeological Companies in Sweden
15:00: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
15.30: Coffee break
Archaeology in the struggle for influence
16.00: P. Schollmeyer, Klassische Archäologie und Macht – ist die Vergangenheit ein Modell für die Zukunft? (Classical Archaeology and Power – Is the past a model for the future?)
16.20: S. Hesse, Die Macht der Nähe, die Nähe der Macht. Strukturen einer Kommunalarchäologie in Niedersachsen (Power of proximity, proximity of power. The structures of county archaeology in Lower Saxony)
16.40: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
17.10: Coffee break
Conferment of the German Students Award for Archaeology
17.30: Conferment of the award; Dr. Jutta Kneisel, Laudatio
19.00: End
20.00: Optional: Joint dinner, Restaurant Deponie №3 in Berlin Mitte
Sunday, 8th May
8.30: Conference office opens
Consequences of precariat and (economic) uncertainty
9.00: K. Möller, Will dig for food - Der archäologische Arbeitsmarkt in Europa (Will dig for food – the European archaeological labour market)
9.20: D. Zarnke, Da waren es nur noch neun – das Glück und sein Preis. Ein Erfahrungsbericht (And then there were nine – Happiness and its price. An experience report)
9.40: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
10.10: Coffee break
Research policy, national and European Agenda
10.40: Keynote: L. Tevdovski, Archaeology and politics in the light of the contemporary challenges of the European continent
11.10: Keynote: F. Criado Boado & S. Hüglin, Political Position and Potential of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)
11.40: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
12.10: Recapitulary presentation of the discussions on the thematic blocks; general debate; joint development of an overall conference outcome.
14.00: End of the conference
Status: May 2nd 2016
The detailed programme booklet on the right side additionally contains all abstracts and short CVs.
Thursday, 5th May
15.00: Meeting of DGUF members (until 18.00)
17.00: Conference office opens
18.30: Conference opening
History and stories of power - Past experiences
18.45: Keynote: E. Gringmuth-Dallmer, Die Überführung der DDR-Archäologie in das bundesdeutsche Wissenschaftssystem - Erfolgsstory oder Desaster? (The transfer of GDR archaeology into the Federal German science system – success story or disaster?)
19.25: Keynote: W. E. Stöckli, Manching und das Germanenproblem: Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Rückblick (Manching and the "Germanenproblem": A review of the history of research)
20.00: Optional: Joint dinner, Restaurant Lindenbräu in the Sony Center at Potsdamer Platz
Friday, 6th May
8.15: Conference office opens
9.00: D. Scherzler & F. Siegmund, Introduction into the conference and its course
Creating archaeology near to the powers
9.20: D. Scherzler, Psychologie der Macht (Psychology of power)
9.40: S. Winghart, Heilsbringer oder Sündenbock? Archäologische Denkmalpflege in der Wahrnehmung der Landespolitik (Saviour or scapegoat? Archaeological Heritage Management from the perspective of regional politics)
10.00: T. Otten, Archäologie und Bodendenkmalpflege zwischen Alltagspraxis, Wissenschaft und Politik (Archaeology and ground monument conservation between daily practice, science and politics)
10.20: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
10.50: Coffee break
Law and power in practical archaeology
11.20: K. Möller & R. Karl, Die Konvention von Faro und deutschsprachige Denkmalschutzgesetze (The Faro convention and Heritage Protection Laws in the German-speaking area)
11.40: T. Kemper, Die Entwicklung des (Rechts-)Verhältnisses von Denkmalschutzbehörden und Öffentlichkeit (The development of the (legal) relationship between Monument Protection Authorities and the general public)
12.00: J. Almansa Sánchez, Power, Politics, Laws and the Management of Archaeological Heritage. An experience from Madrid
12.20: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
12.50: Lunch break
Citizen Science and civil participation
14.15: T. Reitmaier, Macher, Mächte, Machtverhältnisse in der Schweizer Archäologie (Doers, powers and balances of power in Swiss archaeology)
14.35: H. Roberts, Community archaeology: defining the discipline through ownership and control
14.55: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
15.25: Coffee break
Museums: Gatekeeper, debate setter, playthings?
15.55: D. Mölders, Archäologische Museen zwischen Diskursmacht und Partizipation (Archaeological museums between power of discourse and participation)
16.15: J.-E. Fries, Bilder von Archäologen, Bilder der Vergangenheit (Archaeologist’s pictures, images of the past)
16.35: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
17.00: G. Wait, The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists: Building Professionalism, Power, and Influence in Archaeology and Heritage Management
18.00: End
19.30: Optional: Joint dinner, Restaurant "Zur Gerichtslaube" in the Nikolaiviertel (Nicholas' Quarter)
Saturday, 7th May
8.30: Conference office opens
Debates on power between discipline and civil society
9.00: R. Karl, Ich bin Hobbychirurg und Hobbypolizist! Macht, archäologischer Denkmalschutz und die Bürgerrechte (I am an amateur surgeon and amateur policeman! Power, the protection of archaeological monuments and civil rights)
9.20: C. Dworsky & C. Löw, Mein Claim, dein Claim - Ein UNESCO-Welterbe, das Kuratorium Pfahlbauten und die Menschen am Attersee (Ö) (My claim, your claim. A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Board of Trustees for Pile dwellings and the people on the Attersee, Austria)
9.40: L.-K. Martin, NGOs - ideale Akteure der Zivilgesellschaft? Eine Diskussion am Beispiel von Survival International (NGOs-ideal actors of a civil society? A discussion on the example of Survival International)
10.00: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
10.30: Coffee break
Case studies: citizens make archaeology
11.00: C. Schmoldt, Stellenwert durch Masse – Ehrenamtliche als Bindeglied zur Öffentlichkeit (Status as a result of mass – volunteers as a link to the public)
11.20: J. Weise, Informationsgewinn durch Machtverlust?! Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Amtsarchäologie und Sondengängern in Schleswig-Holstein (A gain of information by the loss of power? The cooperation between official archaeology and detector users in Schleswig-Holstein)
11.40: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
12.15: Lunch break
Discourses on power in talking and writing about archaeology
14.00: M. Cyron, Wikipedia Macht Archäologie (Wikipedia Power Archaeology)
14.20: C. Löw, Stolperfalle Codes - Wie Citizen Scientists Partner auf Augenhöhe bei Vorträgen und Diskussionen werden können (Tripping Hazard Codes – How Citizen Scientists can be partners at eye level at lectures and discussions)
14.40: C. Holtorf, The Power of the Market: Graduate Education in the Service of Archaeological Companies in Sweden
15:00: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
15.30: Coffee break
Archaeology in the struggle for influence
16.00: P. Schollmeyer, Klassische Archäologie und Macht – ist die Vergangenheit ein Modell für die Zukunft? (Classical Archaeology and Power – Is the past a model for the future?)
16.20: S. Hesse, Die Macht der Nähe, die Nähe der Macht. Strukturen einer Kommunalarchäologie in Niedersachsen (Power of proximity, proximity of power. The structures of county archaeology in Lower Saxony)
16.40: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
17.10: Coffee break
Conferment of the German Students Award for Archaeology
17.30: Conferment of the award; Dr. Jutta Kneisel, Laudatio
19.00: End
20.00: Optional: Joint dinner, Restaurant Deponie №3 in Berlin Mitte
Sunday, 8th May
8.30: Conference office opens
Consequences of precariat and (economic) uncertainty
9.00: K. Möller, Will dig for food - Der archäologische Arbeitsmarkt in Europa (Will dig for food – the European archaeological labour market)
9.20: D. Zarnke, Da waren es nur noch neun – das Glück und sein Preis. Ein Erfahrungsbericht (And then there were nine – Happiness and its price. An experience report)
9.40: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
10.10: Coffee break
Research policy, national and European Agenda
10.40: Keynote: L. Tevdovski, Archaeology and politics in the light of the contemporary challenges of the European continent
11.10: Keynote: F. Criado Boado & S. Hüglin, Political Position and Potential of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)
11.40: All participants, discussion on the most relevant topics
12.10: Recapitulary presentation of the discussions on the thematic blocks; general debate; joint development of an overall conference outcome.
14.00: End of the conference
Status: May 2nd 2016
Tweets, photos and videos on the conference:
Blogposts on the conference:
The conference subject in the mass media:
- Daily summaries at Storify with tweets, photos etc. mehr
- Twitterwall of the conference mehr
- Many talks are available as videos in the YouTube channel of "Bergische Historiker" mehr
Blogposts on the conference:
- Jaime Almansa Sánchez: "DGUF Conference 2016 - Experiencing politics in Berlin" (Online Journal in Public Archaeology, 18.5.) mehr
- Geesche Wilts, Ein bisschen Balsam für die Seele – Die DGUF-Tagung 2016 (Blog Miss Jones, 9.5.) mehr
- Pascal Geiger: "DGUF Tagung 2016 Fazit" (Bergische Historiker, 22.5.) mehr
The conference subject in the mass media:
- "Archäologen sind oft konfliktscheu". Machtfragen in der Altertumsforschung. Gábor Paàl interviewing Diane Scherzler, chair of DGUF (SWR2 Campus, 7.5.; Audio, 6:34 min.) mehr
Mehr auf DGUF.de
Archaeology and Power. Positionings for the future of researching the past.
Maximal zehn Studierende und Doktoranden, die noch nicht DGUF-Mitglied sind, befreien wir von der Tagungsgebühr und schenken ihnen die DGUF-Mitgliedschaft bis Ende 2017. Bewerben Sie sich sich bis 21. Februar 2016. mehr