Tübingen Theses on archaeology

Tübingen Theses on archaeology

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Tübingen Theses on archaeology

The following theses grew from the annual meeting of the German Society for Pre & Protohistory (DGUF): "Does the public create itself a different archaeology? Analyses of a power shift", held in May, 2015 in Tübingen, Germany. Throughout the lectures and discussions, a common conviction emerged that archaeology is seized currently by a widespread process of social change. An intelligent reaction is required to ensure that the importance of the discipline continues to be generally recognized and granted appropriate financial, administrative and regulatory support.
The Tübingen theses on archaeology are addressed to all colleagues active in research and teaching, the preservation of monuments and in museums. The theses seek to conceptualize important aspects of the processes identified by the conference members and to stimulate debate.
Thesis No. 1: Archaeology requires wider public participation at a fundamental level
Thesis No. 2: Archaeology should invite wider, legal cooperation with metal detector users
Thesis No. 3: Free access to scientific information can strengthen civic engagement
Thesis No. 4: Archaeology should not be controlled by media suitability
Thesis No. 5: Communication in social media improves the public debate on archaeology
Thesis No. 6: Professional archaeology is undergoing a substantial process of change, which should be viewed as an opportunity
The complete Tübingen theses on archaeology:
Scherzler, D. & Siegmund, F. (Red. / eds.) (2015). Tübinger Thesen zur Archäologie / Tübingen theses on archaeology / Les thèses de Tübingen sur l‘archéologie. Archäologische Informationen 39, 2016, 9-18 mehr
Many of the Tübingen conference members signed the Tübingen theses as initial signers. Their names are published with the article, as well as the names of further signees. The possibilty to sign the Tübingen theses ended with the publication of the printed article in September 2016.
With the theses we want to encourage reflection, stimulate a debate and initiate a change in the archaeologies
For this reason please spread the Tübingen theses on archaeology within your networks: to your colleagues in the office next door, via your social networks, via blogs, newsletters etc. In short, to everybody who in your opinion should know about it.
We would be very grateful to be notified of current debates etc. on the Tübingen theses or referring to them. Please address Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..
Many of the Tübingen conference members already signed the Tübingen theses as initial signers. Further signees can be found there.
Our goals are:
1. With the theses we want to encourage reflection, stimulate a debate and initiate a change in the archaeologies
For this reason please spread the Tübingen theses on archaeology within your networks: to your colleagues in the office next door, via your social networks, via blogs, newsletters etc. In short, to everybody who in your opinion should know about it.
Everybody who endorses the Tübingen theses on archaeology and would like to sign them will still be able do so regardless of whether or not they attended the 2015 conference, are a member of DGUF, hold a formal degree as an archaeologist etc. Up to the time of printing of the Tübingen theses (around mid-2016), we will collect the names and signatures of all supporters and publish those names in a separate list attached to the theses.
If you want to sign, please send us an email with the subject "Tübingen Theses", stating your full name, any academic degree(s) you might hold, your institution, the location of your institution or your place of residence to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..
2. At the 2016 DGUF conference, which will be held in Berlin from 5th-8th of May, we will carry on debating the topics addressed in the theses
Certainly the view of the Tübingen conference members is debatable. Perhaps you can provide a useful addition or share your experiences, which we could then discuss at the 2016 DGUF conference titled "Archaeology and Power. Positioning for the future of researching the past." For more information on the conference, please see here.
Translation: Folkert Tiarks M. A., TopTransArchaeo Translations
English: Scherzler, D. & Siegmund, F. (eds.) (2015). Tübingen theses on archaeology. Archäologische Informationen, Early View, published online 12 Nov. 2015. PDF
En français: Scherzler, D. & Siegmund, F. (eds.) (2015). Les thèses de Tübingen sur l‘archéologie. Archäologische Informationen, Early View, publication en ligne le 12 Novembre 2015. PDF

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Die Tübinger Thesen zur Archäologie

Die DGUF-Tagung 2015 in Tübingen war geprägt von einer gemeinsamen Stimmung und Überzeugung: Die Archäologien sind gegenwärtig erfasst von einem umfassenden gesellschaftlichen Wandlungsprozess, in dem die Akteure klug handeln sollten, wenn sie weiterhin oder wieder integraler Bestandteil der Gesellschaft sein wollen, ausgestattet mit einer angemessenen finanziellen, personellen und regulativen Basis. Als ein Resultat der Tagung sind sechs Thesen zur Archäologie entstanden, die Sie nicht nur lesen und weitergeben, sondern auch unterzeichnen können. mehr

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